Tuesday 3 August 2010

Anniversary bike ride...

It is exactly one year ago that I had my bike crash and to check on my recovery I decided to ride 100 km. today... So I took off from Ebeltoft, Denmark and headed west! The first 50 to 60 km. went very well and were very enjoyable. In Randers I stopped for some lunch and carried on. However, the afternoon was more difficult with a head wind, tired legs, lots of little climbs and getting lost! So after having achieved 100 km. near the town of Viborg I decided to call it a day... It wasn't quite all the way to Skive, as was orininally planned (approx. 125 km.), but nevertheless, a good ride. Despite the more tiresome afternoon it was a great experience - and who knows, maybe up for a repeat!?

Sunday 23 May 2010

Jamie Cullum concert in Bristol

Last night we went to see Jamie Cullum live at the Colston Hall in Bristol. It was an amazing performance by a highly energized and very entertaining musician. Couldn't help moving along to the music despite being in a seated hall. We loved every minute of it and will definitely go and see him again...

Monday 12 April 2010

Sustainable living

As is now widely known, more and more we are in need of a sustainable future. And there are so many things around us that we can and should be aware of: recycling, energy consumption, car usage, carbon footprint, to name but a few. In a recent on-line carbon footprint test I did for our family, I was still quite shocked to see how little impact our own current awareness for sustainability has on our carbon footprint. So, despite doing our bit by recycling and switching off sockets, etc. there is still a long way to go!
With the weather starting to turn nicer I decided, instead of going out to buy new garden furniture, to "recycle" our existing weathered and worn chairs and table. I sanded them down and treated them. The result is rather nice and it gave us great pleasure to bring a new lease of life to them...

Sunday 11 April 2010

Blue Reef Aquarium

On the 17th of February I went to visit the Blue Reef Aquarium in Bristol. It was a wonderful experience with lots of different species of underwater creatures on show to admire. Some of the lighting used for the displays was brilliant. The 3D movie was also quite impressive. Highly recommended...

Snow landscape

Like most of Europe, we were also covered in a white blanket in January. And we absolutely loved the snow! It made us feel like being a kid again. Particularly the experience of seeing our surroundings in white was fantastic and was enjoyed by all of us. Below is a picture of the view from our front door. Looking forward to more snow next year...

Saturday 10 April 2010

Bike crash recovery

As far as my recovery is concerned since my bike crash last Summer: I am now fully mobile and I am able to cycle again, which is absolutely brilliant. However, it will take a little while still to regain full muscle strength! Loving being back on my bike though! Watch this space...

Christmas in Djursland, Denmark

We spent a couple of weeks in Djursland in Denmark to celebrate Christmas and New Year with family. As there was plenty of snow, the holiday became quite magical and particularly the visit to Gamle By in Aarhus was great! We look forward to go back again for our Summer holidays...