Saturday 22 November 2014

Sausage making workshop

I helped out on an informal sausage making workshop run by Bernard from Pyrites - Living and Learning with Nature. We used pork and venison and ended up with over 450 sausages!! It was hard work, but great fun too and we managed to experiment with a variety of flavours. We were particularly impressed with the terrine made from the pig's head!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Lower Woods, Gloucestershire

Today we went for a walk at Lower Woods, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust again! It has been a couple of months since I last went and it was great to get a real sense of Autumn in the woods...

Sunday 12 October 2014

Caro Emerald concert in Cardiff

We went to see Caro Emerald in concert tonight in Cardiff! It was great to see and hear this great singer and her fantastic band during her second UK Tour. Love to go again if and when she comes back...

Monday 18 August 2014

Silverbirch study

The silver birch (Betula pendula) has been one of my favourite trees for many years so I decided to study it a little closer and in particular the bark of the different species we have around the summer house we stay at in Ebeltoft, Denmark. It was great to be able to capture the ant too! And as is typical in this heath land, the heather completes the picture...

Horses in Boeslum, Denmark

When out for a drive, I passed these lovely horses in a field in Boeslum near Ebeltoft in Denmark...

Saturday 16 August 2014

Virkesund, Denmark

Driving along a fjord in central Jylland in Denmark, I spotted this old farm building near Virkesund. The place had a real 'viking-sense' and as I am reading The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell, I decided to explore a little... I love the drama in the landscape, despite it being a relatively mild day!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Lower Woods, Gloucestershire

Yesterday we went for a walk at Lower Woods, near Wickwar, South Gloucestershire. Lower Woods is a beautiful ancient woodland which is currently managed by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and is one of the largest woods in the south-west of England. Many sections of the woods contain Hazel coppices which are harvested on a 9 year cycle. The woods are dissected by the Little Avon river and a variety of paths and rides. This gives the whole area a snippet experience of what life might have been like in rural England for many hundreds of years before industrialization and the modern world... During spring there are carpets of Bluebells, scattered with various other spring wild flowers including Lesser Celandine, Ground-Ivy, Cowslip, Forget-me-not, Early Purple Orchid and more...

Sunday 16 February 2014

Sugar Loaf, Abergavenny

Today we went up the Sugar Loaf near Abergavenny again. We came here with Ella's class friends about 1 year ago, and back then it was covered in snow. This time round it was a beautifully sunny day, despite the recent rain and storms which had been battering Britain. We could see snow covered Pen Y Fan in the west near Brecon. Probably the Pen Y Fan will be one of our next stops in the near future...